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Letter to Supporters: Key decisions will be made

August 31, 2011

By Open Media

The news we’ve been waiting for—key decisions that will affect the cost of the Internet—will come this fall. Whether it’s the threat of rising Internet fees on your monthly bill, or the government’s expensive new online surveillance bill, the causalities are the same: Canada's digital economy, social progress, and your wallet.

Big Telecom has decided to fight their customers instead of working to make the Internet more affordable, but together we can turn Canada from a digital laggard to a leader in connectivity and innovation.

We increase our momentum and success when we tap into the ingenuity and creativity of people like you in the pro-Internet community. Please take a moment to give us essential input though our short pro-Internet survey. We’ll start analyzing the results in the coming days, so please speak up now.

Thanks to you, our petitions saw viral growth this year, and we gained national media coverage and caught the the attention of the Prime Minister’s office. You forced a CRTC review on Internet metering, and testified at the subsequent public hearing this summer. The stakes were high and the pressure was on at the CRTC’s landmark hearing, but we held our own against the Big Telecom lobby. By the end of the two-week proceeding, nearly everyone was shunning usage-based pricing schemes, but we’re not done yet. Now, more than ever, we have to keep up the pressure so that the decision makers know Canadians want an open, affordable Internet.

We’ve gained momentum and Ottawa is starting to listen. Let’s keep up the charge.

Here are a few easy ways you can help right now:
1.If you haven’t already, fill out our pro-Internet survey.
2.When you’re done, share it with your friends, family, and coworkers on Facebook and Twitter.
3.Make a donation, or help us continue to bring your voice to Ottawa by becoming a monthly donor.
Your support has allowed us to get this far. Thank you so much for your ongoing efforts to champion the open and affordable Internet.

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